The Jewish poet, Hayim Naliman Bialik, once said that to study the Holy Scriptures in any language other than the original Hebrew is like kissing a beautiful woman with a veil between your face and hers.
The first play on words is the creation of a woman. When Adam saw Eve for the first time, he called her an Ish (man) but realizing there was a difference he added the “ah” at the end: “Ishah”. Perhaps when he saw Eve for the first time he thought it was just another “ish” but when she came into focus he declared: “Ahhhhh!”
Tracing the origin of a word can open up new meanings. For instance, the Hebrew word for worship is “shachah” can be traced back to a Ugaritic word describing a sexual relationship between a goddess and a human man. Thus, this word carries more than just mere reverence; it speaks of entering into an intimacy with God.
Hebrew letters represent numbers, sometimes pictures. Their order in the Alphabet can be significant. In the word Adam, “dam” means blood. Aleph is symbolic of God because it is the first letter in the Alphabet and the construction of the Aleph spells the name of God. Thus God and blood give life to man.
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