Treasures of the Deep

365 Daily Hebrew Word Studies

It is my hope and prayer that every reader might realize that Scripture has a depth that they never dreamed possible, and that every passage may carry a message from God to each reader personally, and might encourage them to learn a bit of biblical Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic to enhance their personal Bible study.

  • 501 Pages
  • 365 (+1 for leap year!) Daily Word Studies
  • Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic

I have only been reading through Treasures of the Deep for 3 or 4 weeks. However, It has stimulated my thoughts more than any other Devotional. I have learned so much about the Jewish way of thinking through the Treasures of the Deep and Chaim Bentorah’s Daily email then all the work I did while in Seminary for my Masters.

William C Myers Jr

I have learned so much from the teaching of Chaim Bentorah. His lessons are very insightful. My revelation/understanding of the scripture has increased along with my relationship with God. I would recommend others who are trying to increase their understanding of the scripture/Word of God to invest in his teaching.

Mary Taylor

I am thrilled to share the truths that Chaim Bentorah has gifted us with. His insight and experience unfold in every book. They are from a teacher, who comes out in the pages so even a novice like me can benefit. Thank you so much.
Mary Willoughby

What readers are saying:

“If you want to move deeper into discipleship, then Chaim Bentorah’s word studies will prove to be a bright light on your path into God’s heart for you. Let God’s Word move from head knowledge to heart knowledge by finding out what certain words truly mean.”

Gwen Rogers

Relatively a newbie to Hebrew instruction but deeply enthralled by the ancient language – I particularly like Chaim Bentorah’s method of presenting his expertise and experiences – not demanding a “following” to his line of thinking but rather opening the door, allowing me as a reader/student to peek inside – to taste and “see” the Lord is good for me. Thank you, Mr. Bentorah, for balanced, legitimate teaching.


About the book:

Treasures of the Deep is not an academic book intended for the classroom. It is meant for a bed stand, living room or wherever you go for some quiet time with God’s Word.

These 365 daily devotionals are designed to provide short inspirational thoughts you can meditate on during the day or before going to sleep at night.

Treasures of the Deep is different from most devotional books that give a little story or inspirational thought and concludes with a Scripture verse. This book begins with scripture and provides inspiration through an analysis of the original biblical Hebrew or Aramaic. Each devotional is a short word study designed to cause the reader to ponder and meditate on deeper meanings of Scripture passages that they may never have considered.

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Here is a sample of what’s included with each daily word study 

About the author

“Chaim Bentorah” is the pseudonym of a Gentile Christian who taught college-level Biblical Hebrew and is an Amazon Bestselling Author.

He prepared his students to take the placement exams for graduate school. He has now developed a method of study where he can prepare any believer, regardless of age or academic background, to study the Word of God using Biblical Hebrew.

Chaim Bentorah received his B.A. degree from Moody Bible Institute in Jewish Studies and his M.A. degree from Denver Seminary in Old Testament and Hebrew and his Ph.D. in Biblical Archeology. His Doctoral Dissertation was on the “Esoteric Structure of the Hebrew Alphabet.” He has taught Classical Hebrew at World Harvest Bible College for thirteen years and also taught Hebrew for three years as a language course for Christian Center High School.

He presently sends out a Hebrew word study to thousands of subscribers each day and hosts the in-depth biblical Hebrew learning platform at

Chaim Bentorah

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Myths of the Bible

Rev. William J. Morford

Have you ever wondered if the Bible translation you read today carries the same words and meaning of books of the Bible that were written down for the first time, in their original language? Is the translation you’re reading accurate and faithful to the Bible’s original words and intent?

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