Publishing For Ministry And Business Professionals
300+ Titles Published | 1 Million + Copies Sold
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We Focus on Professionals
As a professional, your goals and expectations for your book will be different. Our authors use their books to grow their ministries, promote their businesses, and reach the world with their message.

We’re Real Publisher
We’re not a self-publishing or “publishing services” company. We’re a publisher. We’ve been here since 2004, published more than 300 books for nearly 200 authors, and we’ve sold more than a million copies.

Product, Process, Platform
Successful book publishing is more than just printing books. We focus on creating the best book (product), setting it up for success from day one (process), and sharing it globally (platform).

We’re a Great Value
We make our money selling books, not authors. More than 80% of our revenue comes from book sales, our publishing fees are designed to cover only the publishing costs.

About Us
True Potential is a full-service publishing company.
Our focus is on ministry and business professionals.
More than 80% of our revenue comes from selling books.
We’re not “traditional” and we’re not a “self-publishing” company.
For ministry and business professionals, we believe we’re a better choice.
Your book and your ministry or business deserve a publishing model built for you.

Experience You Can Trust

We’ve spent nearly two decades and millions of dollars building our publishing skills, infrastructure, distribution network, and marketing channels; that’s what a publisher is supposed to do.
Reach The World With Your Message

Publishing, printing, and distributing your book is our responsibility, and that includes our team of professional editors, artists, and designers. We’re also responsible for selling your book to bookstores, major online retailers, through our own websites, and through other specialty markets like television shows, churches, and our referral partners.