How To Write a Book in 30 Days Coaching Course

Is this the year you will become a published author?

How to Write a Book in 30 Days leads you through more than putting words on paper!

  • Learn the process of forming a specific idea or message that takes your reader on a journey, from beginning to ending, and beyond.
  • Learn how to be a better writer. Being a better writer doesn’t mean using bigger, fancier words, or more of them. It means communicating your idea elegantly and simply in a way that captivates your reader.
  • Learn to understand your reader. Your words speak to a single person; it’s an intimate conversation. The magic of a book is that you can have this one-on-one conversation with a thousand, or even a million readers at a time.
  • Discover that your book is not the product you’re selling. Your readers aren’t just buying your book; they’re buying into the promise your book makes. When you understand this, you have the power to lead your readers on a journey that can change their lives. That’s the real power of a successful book.

To Steve Spillman and the editorial and design team at True Potential, Inc. Steve, I’m thankful you reached out to me, eventually making this publishing project possible. I’m indebted to the skill and craftsmanship of everyone at True Potential. Thank you for promoting and preserving the message of Sight UnSeen.

Rebecca Shirey

Author, Speaker, America’s National Prayer Committee

Thank you, True Potential. God used you to help me say “yes” to writing this book. Your encouragement and help were invaluable throughout the process of bringing His Healing Place to fruition.

Ronda Rolph Stone

Author, His Healing Place

Can I do this in 30 days? Really?

The premise behind How to Write a Book in 30 Days assumes a few things:

  1. This can be accomplished in 30 eight-hour days—240 hours. You can commit 30 sequential eight-hour days, one eight-hour day per week for 30 weeks, two hours a day for 120 days. Whatever your schedule permits!
  2. You must write regularly. Regardless of your schedule, you must develop the habit of writing daily.
  3. Your book will be 30,000 words. It may be a little more or a little less, but your target is 30,000 words when you’re finished.
  4. You must know your subject matter. If you’re going to write a book in 30 days, you’ve got to already know what you’re talking about.

How To Write a Book in 30 Days Coaching Course Modules:

We’ll begin at the beginning of the writer’s process and take you through to a finished book with your name on it.

You’ll learn the habit of writing and the science of forming an idea into a book that will take your reader on a journey, from beginning to end. You’ll learn to think critically and linearly about creating a path from the beginning to its logical conclusion. You’ll discover that a book is complete in itself; leaving the reader satisfied and looking forward to what comes next. You will learn how to become a better writer, conveying your ideas elegantly and with economy.

This series will also teach you about your reader. Your message speaks to a single person and your audience is made up of those individual readers. You’ll learn that your book is not a “product” to be sold. It is a package, that delivers your message. Your message is the real product. Selling your book is not a “transaction”; it’s an invitation to engage in the message. It’s about the promise you are making your readers. How to Write a Book in 30 Days will teach you how to assemble potential readers and enlist allies who are willing to help you share your message with the world.

Thank you, True Potential, for being a voice of wisdom and guidance in my life to continue in the call of God to write and share the message of Christ.

Rebecca Keener

Author, Television Host, Always More TV

That’s me, holding the bestseller: Christian Zombie Killer Handbook, by my friend, Jeff Kinley

Why should you listen to me?

Hi, I’m Steve Spillman. The founder and president of True Potential Media. I’m a writer and a publisher. I’ve written five books and our company has published over 300 titles for more than 160 professional ministry and business authors . And we’ve sold more than a million copies of our books.

I talk with authors and potential authors every day. Over the last twenty years, the comment I hear most from authors who haven’t published their books yet is, “I just don’t have the time to finish writing my book.”

I understand. We publish professional ministry and business leaders. Professionals lead busy lives. It seems like there just isn’t any time the end of a day or the end of a week to sit down and write.

But our authors do find the time to write and publish. Our most successful authors have published multiple books; many of them bestsellers.

They not only found the time to write, but they’ve discovered the secrets of effectively creating a path that turns an idea into a book capable of transforming their reader’s lives.

These habits, practices, skills and secrets of successfully writing and publishing are what I want to share with you in the How to Write a Book in 30 Days Coaching Course.

Course Modules:

  1. Start Writing:
  2. Gather Ideas
  3. Plotting Your Course
  4. Creating an Outline
  5. Creating Chapters
  6. Determine Your Audience
  7. Determine the Benefit
  8. Determine Your Book’s Theme
  9. Research
  10. Write Craft
  11. Balancing Chapters
  12. Concluding
  13. Writing Your Introduction
  14. Putting it All Together

Course Bonuses

  1. 30 days of coaching via email
  2. How To Write a Book in 30 Days (e-book format)
  3. Seven Questions You Must Answer Before Publishing Your Book (e-book format)
  4. How to Write, Publish, and Market Your Own Bestseller by Dr. James B. Richards (e-book format)
  5. Personal manuscript consultation