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Do you want to grow your audience and your book sales anywhere from 200 percent to 1,000 percent?
Not only is it possible, it’s not that hard.
The first step to building a great, responsive audience is to analyze and understand your current audience, what platforms are reaching them, and how well those are working for you.
Your success as an author depends on four foundation pillars:
Audience – how many people you reach
Platform – how and where you reach them
Frequency – how often your message is being shared
Integration – how well your platforms and content work together to optimize audience response
This Audience and Platform Self-Assessment will:
- help you analyze your digital and real-world presence for: audience, platform, frequency, and integration
- tell you how many people make up your current audience
- tell you how well you are performing on each of 16 most important digital and real-life audience platforms
- show you how to optimize your online and real-world presence by integrating within the 16 audience platforms
We even provide videos that walk you through completing and scoring your self-assessment. And we’ll provide feedback and coaching on each of the 16 platforms
Your Self-Assessment Survey and Coaching Guide includes:
- a 56 question platform survey that covers all 16 of the top Author platforms
- an instructional video that will walk you through each step of the survey
- an additional instructional video that will walk you through scoring your survey
- a color coded scoring guide
- an 8 page coaching guide on each of the 16 author platforms
- the 8.5″ x 11″ printable Author Audience infographic download detailing each of the 16 author platforms
If your audience and your book sales aren’t where you want them to be, what you’ll discover from this survey will give you the insight and tools to increase your audience and your book sales .
If you’re still working on your manuscript or waiting for your book to be published, that’s fine. Now, before your book comes out, is the time to build your audience.
The self-assessment includes 56 questions covering the 16 most important digital and real-world platforms for a successful author.
- I’ll walk you through the analysis and scoring in two self-guided videos.
- And I’ll provide you with tips for each of the 16 platforms in our 8 page coaching guide.
At the end of this exercise, you’ll know the size of your current audience and which platforms perform best for you. You’ll also learn more about some platforms you may not be using at all.
You’ll know which platforms you’re performing well on and you’ll grade yourself on how well your specific platforms are integrated into your overall audience footprint.
If your ready to finally know the size of your current audience, what platforms are reaching them, how well those are working for you, and if you’re ready to grow your audience and sell more books this Audience Self-Analysis is for you!
Your Self-Assessment Survey and Coaching Guide includes:
- 56 question platform survey
- instructional video that will walk you through each step of the survey
- instructional video that will walk you through scoring your survey
- color coded scoring guide
- 8 page coaching guide
- 8.5″ x 11″ printable Author Audience infographic download