Life Transformation Day By Day: A 31-Day Devotional

The Bible is not just an ancient history book. It contains the very words of God that we desperately need to hear today. It reveals God’s plan from the beginning of time to restore sinful humanity to Himself through the sinless life, substitutionary death, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Scriptures also bring us comfort and correction, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). When I first surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, I began reading the Bible every day to learn more about this God who pursued me with His love when I was living in open rebellion to Him. I not only read the Bible, but I began to apply the Word to my life and was astonished over and over again, as I experienced transformation in so many areas of life. At one point, I shared with my Pastor that I felt like my DNA had changed. I encourage you to participate in this 31-day devotional with a friend or prayer partner. Talk about the daily devotion and your answers to the questions at the end of each topic to receive even greater insight into what God is communicating to you that day. After you complete all 31 lessons, I challenge you to start over at the beginning and slowly repeat the lessons. This time feel free to take more than a day to meditate on each devotion as you interact with the Scriptures and with God through prayer. Life transformation is possible for you!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

All Things New Discipleship Ministry

ALL THINGS NEW a Discipleship Ministry for Life Transformation is a Ministry for people who want to experience an intimate personal relationship with God. It will help release you from the bondage of sin and the shame associated with sin as you experience the true love and healing power from the Lover of your soul, Jesus Christ. If you are not currently experiencing the abundant life that is promised to you in the Bible – this Ministry is for you! The Ministry is designed to be facilitated by lay leaders and supported by volunteer prayer/accountability partners who walk alongside people participating in the Discipleship Ministry. The Facilitator Guide provides instructions on how to prepare for and facilitate each lesson and provides links to additional resources to enhance the learning experience for the participants and accountability partners. EMBARK ON A LIFE-TRANSFORMING JOURNEY OF HEALING AND INTIMACY WITH JESUS! All of humanity is born into sin; however, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are born again! (John 3:3) If we surrender every area of our lives to Him, He begins a transformation process in us that can only be described as miraculous. Healing, restoration, and wholeness are possible for you! Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV).

Visit the All Things New Life Transformation website:

All Things New: A Former Lesbian’s Lifelong Search for Love

A Former Lesbian’s Lifelong Search For Love For Men and Women Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction The true love we desperately search for all of our lives is not found in a man or woman it can only be fulfilled by the one who created the void in our hearts in the first place. The void that we feel was designed to draw us closer to God. Jesus Christ satisfies the hunger in our hearts for pure love. After that void is filled, we can then love men and women with the love of Christ. The pages of this book chronicle the experiences of a woman who walked this journey and shares with you her struggles with complete transparency to encourage you to find true love. For ministry leaders who want to do the right thing – how should you respond to a person who walks through the doors of your church or your ministry, who is outwardly living his or her life contrary to your convictions and beliefs? This book will shock you and open your eyes to a better way to respond that will ultimately bring healing for them and encouragement for you. For those with loved ones who experience same-sex attraction – Unconditional love is the right way to respond to a family member or friend who is experiencing same-sex attraction. Judgment and condemnation provide no place for healing, but unconditional love is a soothing balm that heals. This book will show you a better way to love your loved ones who experience homosexuality.

All Things New Workbook and Facilitator’s Guide 2nd Edition

A Discipleship Ministry For Healing

Overcoming The Effects of False LGBTQ Identity

All Things New is a Ministry for people who are conflicted about their own lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer (LGBTQ) identity. It will help to release people from the bondage of false identities and enable them to understand their true identity as a child of God as they experience true love and healing from the Lover of their soul, Jesus Christ.

This Ministry is designed to be facilitated by lay leaders and supported by volunteer prayer/accountability partners who walk alongside people participating in the Discipleship Program. The Facilitator’s Guide for this Ministry provides instructions on how to prepare for and facilitate each lesson and links to additional resources to enhance the learning experience for the participants and accountability partners.


All of humanity is born into sin; however, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are born again! If we surrender every area of our lives to Him, He begins a transformation process in us that can only be described as miraculous. Healing and restoration are possible!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV)

Todas Las Cosas Nuevas: La Búsqueda Eterna del Amor de una ex Lesbiana

Para hombres y mujeres experimentando atracción hacia el mismo sexo

El verdadero amor que buscamos de manera desesperada durante toda nuestra vida no se halla en un hombre o mujer—solo puede encontrarse por el que únicamente creó ese vacío en primer lugar en nuestros corazones. Un vacío que fue diseñado para acercarnos más a dios. Jesucristo satisface el hambre de nuestros corazones por amor puro. Luego de que ese vacío esté lleno, es que podremos amar a hombres y mujeres con el amor de cristo. Adentro de las páginas de este libro se describen las experiencias de una mujer que se adentró en esta aventura y ahora comparte contigo sus luchas, con una completa transparencia para que tu también consigas el verdadero amor.

Para líderes ministeriales que quieran hacer lo correcto

¿Como se le debe responder a una persona que camina a través de las puertas de su iglesia, que vive su vida tan abiertamente contraria a tus creencias y convicciones? Este libro te sorprenderá y abrirá los ojos a una mejor manera de responder y que traerá de manera definitiva sanación a ellos y coraje hacia usted.

Para quienes tengan seres queridos experimentando atracción hacia el mismo sexo

El amor incondicional es la ‘manera correcta’ de responderle a un familiar o amigo quien esta atravesando atracción hacia el mismo sexo. Juzgar y condenar en ningún lugar ofrecen sanación, pero el amor incondicional es una bálsamo que ofrecen una calma que alivia y sana. Este libro te enseñará una mejor manera de amar a tus seres queridos quienes sientan la homosexualidad.

About the Author

The All Things New Ministry was born out of Debora’s transition out of nearly two decades of homosexuality through the love and support of a women’s ministry Bible study group and the leadership of a church that was not willing to compromise their convictions while continuing to welcome and embrace her. When she first began attending this church, Debora had not yet accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and was happy living her life as a lesbian. She knew ‘about’ Jesus and what He did for her, and even labeled herself as a Christian, but she had not yet surrendered her whole life to Him. Debora had also been involved in a gay church for many years where she was indoctrinated in gay-theology, which affirmed her lifestyle as a part of the gay community. She was still living her life the way she wanted to, and that included being in a committed lesbian relationship with the woman she loved.

Once Debora fully surrendered her life to Jesus Christ, she began to regularly read the Bible and pray that God would reveal areas of sin in her life that needed to repent of and turn away from. It was through this study of the Word of God that Debora realized that many areas of her life did not line up with His Word. As God revealed areas of sin, she repented and asked for his forgiveness, and He began to change her from the inside out. When she finally realized that God did not approve of her choice to live as a lesbian, she decided to turn away from homosexuality and live life in a way that was pleasing to Him. The transition was not easy, and she relied heavily on the women in her Bible study that supported her with unconditional love and prayed for her as she turned away from the gay community, which had been a support structure for many years. She had to walk away from a relationship with the woman that she loved and they had to unravel their lives that had been intertwined together.

This Bible Study/Discipleship Ministry is modeled after Debora’s transition out of years of homosexuality and the healing she received along the way, and has been proven to help both men and women who want to break free from life choices that are not pleasing to God. Debora’s prayer is that every person who experiences a false LGBTQ identity will find the same freedom in an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ that she did. His love is everlasting and completely satisfying – it is unlike anything we can ever experience in human relationships. Debora never knew that she wasn’t living her best life until she was able to experience His love as she aligned her life with His Word. Jesus makes all things new!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV)

Find Debora Barr