Seeing God as He Really Is.
Dr. Jim Richards and Chaim Bentorah explore the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek behind the words that can change everything about how you see God.
Amazing Features
What if we could identify just 10 words that could change the way we perceive and experience God and open our hearts to an entirely new level of hope, faith, and optimism?
What the Bible says
The Bible teaches that we experience God based on how we perceive Him. It’s the same with God, people, and the world at large; we are never fully experiencing anyone as they are as much as the way we perceive them.
what religion says
Contrary to what religion has pushed down our throats for centuries, God is proactively attempting to give us life at its best! But like the children of Israel, because of our beliefs, we limit what God can do in our lives.
These are words that:
Reveal the love of God beyond anything you’ve ever imagined!
Make walking with God easy and light!
Will make you fall deeper in Love with God.
Develop an immovable trust in Him.
Trust us, you’ll love this product for sure. 1005 Guaranteed!