Trevor Levi Clowers
Spiritual Health
Overcoming Twelve Handicaps to Holiness
I have found hope in Jesus. This book is not written from the place of having it all figured out and I wrote this through my brokenness. But I know the one Who created it all and he knows me inside and out. he knows you too. We are in desperate need of a savior and in desperate need of a father. We are also in desperate need of restoration. Our spirits get broken, hurt, and sick because of our sinful actions and the world’s sinful actions. God does not want to leave our spiritual Health the way it is, but he wants to transform and restore you to him. We cannot do this alone — you cannot do this alone. But God can if you let Him, you will find purpose, and through His power, you will be renewed. So, I promise that I will be vulnerable, in this book and you should be too. So, let’s do this together and see what God can do on our journey to holiness.
Trevor and Miriam Clowers were raised on the mission field and are now missionaries with World Missions Ministries, IPHC. They serve in Wales, UK where they run the ELI Project, a ministry/charity that supports families with additional needs. Their vision is to:
- Help develop and raise up leaders.
- Disciple new believers with scriptural truth, practical support, and care.
- Opening our home with love and food.
- We create a safe atmosphere where families and individuals can grow in a Godly community.
They come alongside people to put boots on the ground to demonstrate Christ’s love, power, and biblical truth. This book helps support the ministries God gave them. Please see the links below if you want to support their Ministry and learn more. They need your support through finances and prayer.