
Duane and Cindy Mullett

Bigger Mountain Bigger God

Big Mountain Bigger GodWhere are You, God? … Why us, Lord? … Why our children? If You can heal, Lord, why don t You? God, how can we trust You when things don t seem to make any sense? These questions have riddled the lives of the Mullett family for several years. We all have dreams, hopes, and plans for our future. Yet life rarely turns out exactly the way we expect. Duane and Cindy Mullett are no exception. Just like everyone else, they had a very clear picture of how they thought life would be: a happy marriage and a large, healthy, loving family that carried a passion to share God’s love, mercy, and life-changing power to others. Little did they know the heart-breaking challenges they would have to face. At age 16, Austin Mullett was preparing for his second heart transplant; his first was at the age of eight months. Every day since that time, Austin’s life was consumed with facing the challenges of being a transplant recipient, as well as fighting to survive two bouts of very aggressive cancers. His second younger sister, Alisha, received a heart transplant at three months old. Like her brother, she too has endured several years of facing the fear of transplant rejection and fighting against severe allergies brought on by multiple chemical sensitivities. As a family the Mulletts have endured weeks at a time in hospitals with Austin or Alisha undergoing tests, procedures, surgeries, and scores of other treatments weeks filled with joy and anguish, fear and relief, peace and pain, confidence and uncertainty. Those unanswered questions of WHY? should have emotionally crippled them, but they didn t. Instead, this courageous family has taken each twist and turn of life, each trial and test, and turned it around into a lesson that would help them grow stronger and more thankful. Through it all, they learned two important things: God wants us to depend on Him for everything – to remember that His grace and mercy are sufficient even when we do not understand, for in our weakness, we know His strength; and, no matter how big the mountain in our life, GOD IS BIGGER!

I’m a Winner Either Way

I'm a Winner Either WaySome people would SAY I am dead. They would say that life ended for me that Sunday night in October when I drew my final breath. I would say that they are mistaken. What they see as an ending, I see as a whole new beginning. No matter how you look at it, I am a winner either way. You see, I believe in life after death. Why? Because I’m living it right now. I also believe in heaven. Why? Because it is now my place of residence. For all who have trusted in Christ, death is not an ending, but merely a doorway into a higher dimension of life. I can still remember that dreary November day when my family and friends gathered together to say their final goodbyes to me. The physical body they consigned to the ground was only an empty shell because I was already gone, set free from a body of limitations-of pain, affliction, and weakness-and liberated into a new life free of suffering and filled with unlimited possibilities. Although my earthly life was short-just shy of 17 years-my lifelong passion was to help people grow in their relationship with God…people like you. With the help of family, friends, and mentors who have produced this book, I am able, although no longer on earth, to continue pursuing my passion. The chapters inside are simply my thoughts and reflections on different things that I want to share with you. This is my way of continuing to fulfill my dream: to help people like you fully realize the strength and power you can have when you trust in the Lord. Take it from me: Life is full of struggles; life is full of pain. There s the good and there s the bad. But I can assure you that happiness all the time is possible. The secret is discovering the winner inside. No matter what life dishes out, you can be a winner either way!


About the Author

Mullett FamilyDuane Mullett has been serving with Gospel Express prison ministry since 1985. His passion is helping men and women become transformed by the Word of God and walking in victory with Him. This passion includes equipping men and encouraging fathers to be godly leaders in their homes and discipling them with tools to pass their faith to multiple generations. Duane is fulfilling his dream of being able to minister together as a family in obeying the Great Commission.

Cindy (Coblentz) Mullett is grateful for the privilege of being a full-time wife and mother. She enjoys home-schooling and loves the opportunities she has in relating with her daughters. Some of Cindy’s passions are being a wife and mother, and she is loving the blessing of being a mommy to her two little “miracle” girls. Cindy enjoys blogging, creating healthy recipes, reading, and scrap booking.


David Ford