Are you a ministry or business author? You must read this free book.

Seven Questions You Must Answer Before Publishing Your Book

Answering these seven questions is essential for your book’s success.

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Seven Questions You Must Answer Before Publishing Your Book 

How to define success, choose a publisher, and reach your audience.

If you’re a ministry or business professional

… and you’ve either written or considered writing a book, you need to read this book first. Even if you’ve already published your book, you need to read it. I promise that the answers you’ll find in this book will save you time, headaches, heartache, and probably thousands of dollars. If you want your book to be a success, start here.

I’ve seen too many books fail because the author didn’t understand the publishing process and was unclear about their audience and what was actually required for success, before and after publishing their book.

I’ll drop a copy of Seven Questions You Must Answer Before Publishing Your Book in the mail to you today. The book is free; I’ve already paid for the printing. All I ask you to do is cover the postage and handling to get it to you.

Answering these seven questions is essential for your book’s success. I can’t go into every question in this video but let me touch on just two of them.

Question number two: What does success look like?

Now the world may try to convince you that the definition of success is making the bestseller list or getting your picture in a magazine. Sure those things might be evidence of success, but after working with more than 150 ministry or business authors, I’ve learned that the definition of success can be very personal and can mean a whole lot more than being on a bestseller list. In fact, for most ministry and business professionals, the definition of success is often much greater than just selling books.

This chapter covers why ministry and business professionals are different from other authors. When you understand this, your book becomes an ambassador that can work 24/7 for your ministry or business.

Are you a public speaker? Your book can become a tool to double your speaking engagements, increase your honorariums, and multiply book sales. All the while, your book is reaching more readers and touching their lives with your message.

If you lead a ministry or own a business, success may have less to do with the price of a book than it does with growing your ministry’s reach or promoting your business.

Early in our history, we published a book that shared the vision of an oil and gas company working in Israel. We sold more than 300,000 books, but more importantly, this little book helped raise more than $100 million when the company went public and contributed millions of dollars to Israel’s economy and energy infrastructure. That’s what I mean when I say a book can be worth much more than the price of the book itself.

Speaking of touching the lives of readers, you’re probably already aware that none of us are permanent residents on this planet. If you’re a ministry or business leader, what are you going to leave behind? Those people you’ve spent your career mentoring, serving, and teaching; when you’re gone, what is going to continue to mentor, serve or teach them and even their children? My father was a minister who wrote and spoke to audiences around the globe. He passed away twenty years ago and I still receive emails and phone calls from people whose lives have been changed by his books and other recorded teaching. The success of your book, in its highest form, means that it outlives you, leaving behind a legacy that can outlast a plaque on a building or a marble headstone.

This chapter walks you through how to discover and define your personal definition of success for your book.

Question # 3: Who Is My Audience?

This one is important! If you get this one right, you may be able to mess up the other six questions and still succeed.

After a new author tells me about their book, the first question I ask is, “Who is your audience?” The most common answer I receive? “Oh this book is for everyone.”

They think I’m asking, “What kind of people do you think will like your book?”

What I’m really asking is, “Who exactly is your audience? Who is going to be first in line to buy your book?”

Your book is not for everyone. It’s for someone. And remember that audience isn’t plural; it’s singular. Individuals buy books; together, they make up your audience. Do you have a list of people who know, like, and trust you? Have you told them about your upcoming book, and are they ready to buy it when it’s released? That’s your audience. Those are the first people who will purchase your book.

This chapter explains how to identify your audience, how to find them, how to reach them, and how to write for them. This chapter also teaches you how to reach another audience. This audience belongs to folks we call influencers. They may host a popular podcast, or television show. They may pastor a large church or be a successful author themselves. The point is that they already have an audience who knows, likes and trusts them. If they share your book or allow you to share your book with their audience, the results can be spectacular! One television host we know features some of our authors occasionally on his show. We know that we usually sell around 5,000 books when one of those shows is aired. That’s an influencer I like to work with! Question 3 explains how to begin developing those influencer relationships.

This book, Seven Questions You Must Answer Before Publishing Your Book covers so much more in the other five Questions, but I don’t have time to share them with you here.

You’ll have to get the book to receive the full benefit. You can buy this book on Amazon for $16.99 if you want, but get it here and the book is free! You only need to cover the postage and handling.

But I want you to be really, really happy with your decision. If you take me up on this offer today, I’m going to include four free bonuses.

Bonus #1: I’ll send you my ebook, How To Write A Book in 30 Days. One big problem with new authors is that they just don’t know how to get started, how to organize their book and how to keep writing. The eighteen chapters in this book will walk you through creating your book, from start to finish.

Bonus #2: I’ll give you access to my 10 Dynamics of a Successful Book online workshop. I spoke at a writer’s conference recently. As a publisher, my job was to share the realities of the publishing world and offer some tips that would help make the authors and their books more successful. Think of it as a virtual writer’s conference. These are 10 dynamics that, if practiced consistently, will greatly improve the success of your book and your career as an author.

Bonus #3: I’ll send you Dr. James B. Richards’ book: How To Write, Publish, and Market Your Own Bestseller. Dr. Richards is one of our top authors and has published more than twenty books, many of them, bestsellers. The ebook edition sells for over $49.00. But we’ll send it to you as a free bonus.

Bonus #4 may be the most valuable of all. I’ll schedule a free personal manuscript consultation where we can discuss your book, your audience, and my best advice for success and how to move forward in making your book a reality.

So, I’ll send you Seven Questions You Must Answer Before Publishing Your Book for free, you pay only for postage and handling. On top of that you’ll receive, How To Write A Book in 30 Days, the 10 Dynamics of a Successful Book online workshop, Dr. James Richards’ book How To Write, Publish, and Market Your Own Bestseller, and a free personal manuscript consultation where we will lay out a plan for your book’s success.

There’s no catch here. No hidden charges, no monthly payments, no contract, just a one-time payment to cover the postage and handling for one book.

If you’re wondering why I’m giving away this book and the bonuses it’s because I’ve seen too many authors struggle and some really suffer because they went into the publishing experience without answering these questions first. Now if you’re a ministry or business professional, I’d love to talk to you about being a True Potential author, but whether you publish with True Potential or not, I want to see you succeed, and this book will help get you there.

Again, you can get this book on Amazon for $16.99, but you won’t get the bonuses. You can get a copy here and now, for free, with the bonuses, but please do it now. We’ve only printed so many of these books to give away. When they’re gone, the books are back to $16.99.

Just click the button below to get the book and the bonuses and put yourself and your book along the path to success.

Seven Questions You Must Answer Before Publishing Your Book 

How to define success, choose a publisher, and reach your audience.

“I am honored to call True Potential my publisher and Steve Spillman my friend.”

Chris Maxwell

Author of 10 books, International Speaker and Epilepsy Advocate, Director of Spiritual Life and Campus Pastor, Emmanuel College

Thanks for believing in my message—giving it clarity and great ‘curb appeal’—and nurturing me along.

J. Douglas Nolan

Writer, Entrepreneur, Speaker., Author of Restoring Your Vision

I am convinced of Steve Spillman’s  commitment to my individual/personal success as an author.It’s an honor for me to call True Potential MY PUBLISHER!

Stacy Hilliard

Author of A Return to Sonship, Director of Church Multiplication, IPHC

“Working with Steve Spillman and True Potential Media has been a delight. Steve and his company are my “Go-To” for excellence, ease, and a product I can be proud of.
Nannette Oatley Johnson

Author, Speaker, Counselor, Chaplain, US Open Wheelchair Tennis Champion

Thanks for believing in me and trusting I would do my part. I don’t like mediocrity and one of my concerns was the quality of the work. This book has excellence all over it.

Kelvin Easter

Founder and Senior Leader, Destined to Win Christian Center, Park Forest, IL

Thank you for publishing my work, talking me through my questions, coaching me often, and always having an answer for what do I do now?”

Jon Campbell

Author, Speaker, Musician, IPHC The Awakening

“We share a deep passion to influence the world, True Potential is doing that through helping authors reach the world with their message.”

Dr. Jim Richards

International Best-Selling Author, Creator of Heart Physics®, Founder, Impact Ministries

Professional Publishing For Professionals

True Potential has published nearly 300 titles, for over 150 ministry and business authors, and we’ve sold more than a million books. The seven questions in this book are the same questions I ask every author before we publish so they can be clear about their message, their audience, and the steps required to make their book a success. I want you to have these answers before you publish your book. Even if you’ve already published, answering the questions in this book will help you increase your book sales and most likely grow your ministry or business.