Roger DeHaan

We Don’t Die We Kill Ourselves: Our Foods Are Killing Us!

We Don't Die We Kill OurselvesMost of us who live in the West are committing slow suicide. The problem? Our nutrient and mineral deficient, toxic-chemical laced diet. Malnutrition has reached pandemic proportions in the industrialized world; malnutrition due not to a lack of food but to an abundance of food that is lacking in true nutritional value and content. Unless something is done now to turn the tide, this nutritional crisis threatens not only our generation but future generations as well. Speaking from his own personal knowledge and experience based on years of research, Dr. Roger De Haan reveals the true nature and magnitude of our nutritional and health crisis and offers practical, common-sense solutions.You owe it to yourself and your family to read this book. The principles and truths uncovered here could literally revolutionize your life!


Creation Care

Creation CareThe human race has raped the earth. We have systematically destroyed the land, air, lakes, streams, rivers and oceans of our planet. And all the time, it was our responsibility to preserve and to be the caretakers of planet Earth. How can we fulfill this mandate, though, if we do not know the unseen laws that govern this world? There is more to “going green” and healing our planet that what we can see, hear, taste or touch. Learn in this book the unseen laws behind the natural laws that govern every living soul and cell that exists on this planet… Discover principles of life that transcend what you learned in any school… Apply techniques that, amazingly, can override the devastation mankind has wreaked on the soil and waters… And above all, carry the message of true care for this creation into every arena of your life!


Restoring the Creation Mandate

Restoring the Creation MandateOur food is contaminated with chemicals. Our health-care system is failing. After years of neglect, even our planet is suffering with pollution and disease. It’s hot where it should be cold; it is dry where it should be wet. Animals are suffering; humans are suffering. Our world is spinning out of control. Is it too late to save ourselves? Can a single individual make a difference? Is there a way to restore the beauty of God’s creation? Today the human race faces health and environmental crises at a level that no other generation in history has experienced. Despite our sophisticated technology and miracle drugs, we are sicker than ever, with as many as 90 serious diseases that cannot be cured or even treated. Humans have devastated the once-abundant natural richness of our planet through poor stewardship. We have raped the earth, stripped the soil of nutrients, and polluted our air and water. We need desperately to rediscover and reclaim the original Creation Mandate that God handed down to us when He created us in His image. Our responsibility is to exercise wise dominion over the Earth and its creatures and to be fruitful and productive. Restoring the Creation Mandate is Dr. Roger De Haan’s clarion call for us to take up once again the mantle of godly stewardship that is our legacy from Adam and Eve! In this sequel to his successful book We Don’t Die, We Kill Ourselves, Dr. De Haan presents a biblically based approach to reclaiming our mandate and turning the tide of disaster in our world. The dangers are real, but this encouraging book gives practical advice and empowering strategies to help you, your family, and your pets. Our world cannot heal without you. Apply the wisdom in this book and see how you can start today to reclaim your godly heritage of health and abundant living! We can save our world!


About the Author

Roger DeHaanBorn and raised with an extensive farming background in southern Michigan, Dr. Roger L. De Haan (B.S., D.V.M., M.T.S., C.V.C, C.V.C.P, C.N.H.P & C.H.C.) has throughout his life gained knowledge and expertise in a diverse range of fields including health, nutrition, medicine, science, history and theology. Having earned degrees in science and veterinary medicine from Michigan State University, he continued his education with a degree in theology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. This was followed by 12 years in the rainforests of Colombia developing community farms and educational, agricultural and health programs with Mision de Cristo en Colombia.

Returning to America because of family health problems, Dr. De Haan was motivated to research health at the deeper levels of body, soul and spirit. In his search he experienced a paradigm shift as he began to make the connections between culture, agriculture, science, arts, history, spirituality and stewardship of the land as it related to human productivity, health and creativity. He holds certifications in various health modalities and regularly attends conferences on dozens of very diverse subjects. This wide perspective is captured in his writings as he sketches a “model of life” that he believes must be recaptured if society is to survive and prosper.

The author of four books, Dr. De Haan is involved in writing and teaching while continuing to practice alternative medicine in a clinical setting at his home in Kings Mountain, North Carolina, where he enjoys his “beyond organic” garden, ducks for “home grown” eggs, goats for milk, his family and an extensive library and correspondence.


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