
Begin the Writing Habit

How To Write a Book in 30 Days   Module 1. Begin the Writing Habit Step One: simply begin to write. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or even having your ideas in order; just write. The physical and mental act of writing will begin to let your ideas flow to...
Telling Your Story

Telling Your Story

I was talking to a book publisher friend of mine in the UK this morning and I told him that our business really shifted a few years ago from publishing books to telling stories. We publish books, lots of them, but that’s not our business. Our business, whether...
Reach the World

Reach the World

“Reach the World”. That’s our tag line at True Potential. What does that mean exactly? Is it just a snappy tag to keep our logo company or do we really believe it? Can we reach the world? Can we help you ‘reach the world’? We believe we...