Prolific author and International speaker Dr. Myles Monroe speaks to authors.
He opened with two questions:
- “Why should you write?”
- “Why should anyone want to read what you write?”
Then he warned his audience: “If you don’t have answers to those questions you’re not ready to write.”
If you don’t know why you should write, here are a few reasons from Myles Monroe:
Reason to write #1:
“The world is ruled by dead men.” Most of the ideas that govern our societies, cultures, laws, religions and philosophies today were first written down by those whose lives passed from this earth long ago.
Writing gives you the power and ability to leave your thoughts beyond your grave. Ideas outlive men. Books outlive those who wrote them. Your book will outlive you and give your ideas, your voice and your influence life beyond your grave.
You do have ideas that are worth reading. Believe it. And your ideas should live beyond your generation. Nothing is a powerful as a book. No matter how much technology changes and evolves, whether it’s in printed, digital or audio format, the book remains king.
Dr. Monroe reminds us that “books are so important that God wrote one Himself.” If God used a book to preserve Divine knowledge, shouldn’t we consider the use of books to preserve our ideas beyond our generation?
Reason to write #2:
Your ideas, written in a book add to your credibility. Spoken ideas die when a person stops speaking. Written ideas receive credibility. It’s in human nature to accept the written word … even if the ideas written aren’t always true. Whether it is fair or deserved, published authors enjoy greater credibility for their ideas than those who have ideas but no books.
Reason to write #3:
A book allows you to multiply and expand your influence geographically and socially. It expands your capacity to impact people. A great public speaker can address 50,000 people in a single city to share her ideas. A great author can touch millions of lives around the world, free from the restraints of any single location or gathering.
If you’re serious about sharing your story with the world through a book, stop reading right now and click on the video below.
The rest of the story
Tragically, maybe even prophetically, at the peak of his career Myles Monroe, his wife Ruth and seven others were taken from this life in a private plane crash on November 9, 2014.
Myles was known for saying that the cemetery was the wealthiest place on earth because it had robbed the world of so many great books never published. But Myles Monroe, because of his faithfulness in sharing so many of his ideas through his books robbed the cemetery that day. At the time of his talk he shared that he had written 46 books – 40 of those were best-sellers. His books survive him. Because of his books his ideas, his message and his influence remain and touch lives today and will for many years to come.*
Thank you Dr. Monroe for leaving them with us.
Are you ready to write and publish your book?
Who is True Potential for?
Ministry Professionals who are serious about sharing their story with the world.
I have written three books and I am still writing more. Dr. Myles Munroe’s message is invaluably inspirational to me. Thanks Dr. Myles (posthumously)!
I have written four books. The first one I have yet to publish. I have published the following 3 books through amazon Sabin KingLewis This series is Satan’s kingdom revealed. The character operates a ghostbuster style deliverance office downtown The mark of the beast is revealed and much more to come
So thankful to God for Dr. Myles Munroe. He had the gift of teaching mastered! Thankful for all of his “kingdom talks”.