Online Resource
Seven Questions You Must Answer Before Publishing Your Book

How to define success, choose a publisher and reach your audience
The Seven Questions You Must Answer
These seven questions have the power to reveal the real reason for your book – your reason for writing it and the reason your audience will read it. These questions will walk you through the jungle of finding and building your audience and the maze of publishing choices you’ll have to make. Finally, these questions will cover the real cost of publishing and marketing a successful book, whether in dollars or blood, sweat, and tears. Publishing a successful book and sharing it with the world isn’t easy or cheap, but it’s possible. And because it’s your book, your story, even your legacy, the rewards it can offer are beyond what you may imagine.
Who Is This Book For?
Question 1
Why am I writing this book?
Question 2
What Does Success Look Like?
Question 3
Who is my audience?
Question 4
What Am I Doing Now To Build My Audience?
Question 5
What Is My Marketing Plan?
Question 6
What Is My Publishing Budget?
Question 7
What Are My Publishing Options?
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The first printing of The Voice and Two Hours on Tuesday went faster than we expected. We ran out of inventory from the second printing, and we’re plan- ning a third. Pam is still prayer walking and changing her community through the power of those prayers. Lives are being touched outside of her community through the stories in her book. I was reminded of that again … from a letter I received the other day from a man in prison.

Chris Maxwell
Author of 11 books
I have published eight books through Steve’s company, True Potential. His teamwork has been fun. His guidance has been practical. Steve knows we are living in a season bombarded with questions. His answers to the common questions of writers swing open wonderful doors of opportunities.

Nannette Oatley Johnson
Author, Speaker, Counselor, Chaplain
Perfection Went Above
Working with Steve Spillman and True Potential Media has been a delight. Steve and his company are my “Go-To” for excellence, ease, and a product I can be proud of.

Kelvin Easter
Founder and Senior Leader, Destined to Win Christian Center, Park Forest, IL
Thanks for believing in me and trusting I would do my part. I don’t like mediocrity and one of my concerns was the quality of the work. This book has excellence all over it.