Sunday Burquest on Survivor
On April 11, 2012, Sunday Burquest’s cell phone rang. The caller ID said CLINIC. When Sunday answered, the voice on the other end said, “We have your test results back, and I’m so sorry to tell you that you have Invasive Ductile Carcinoma.” The only answer Sunday could manage was, “Okay.” The voice continued, “Do you understand what I am telling you, honey? You have breast cancer.” It was like a punch in the gut.
April 11, 2012, was the day Sunday Burquest chose to become a Grit Girl.
After seven surgeries, eight rounds of chemotherapy and 28 days of radiation she was declared ‘cancer free.’
Four years after her cancer diagnosis she traveled to the island of Figi as a team member in the television series Survivor: Millennials VS Gen-X.
Cancer survivor and Survivor veteran, Sunday Burquest, is publishing her new book Grit Girl with True Potential.
We’re so excited to have Sunday as an author and helping share Grit Girl with the world. Today, Sunday speaks to groups around the country about her experiences and her inspirational message of hope, strength, and resilience.
“They say once you’ve been diagnosed, you often split your life in two: before cancer and after cancer. I knew right away I didn’t want to be just a breast cancer survivor—cancer is only part of my story. I choose to be defined by resilience, not my setback. And you can do the same because I am a Grit Girl and so are you.”
Grit Girl is scheduled to be released in the Spring of 2018.
To learn more about Sunday Burquest visit: http://www.sundayburquest.com/
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