Author and Ministry professional Vicki Brawner signs publishing agreement with True Potential.

The Gift: You Don’t Have To Figure It All Out, is a 6-week workbook for women, in groups or individually, who would like to find peace and rest in the chaos of the busy world in which we live. The Gift is scheduled to release late Spring of 2018.

Vicki is a veteran of ministries and missions as Missions Coordinator for short-term missions organization In Motion Ministries as well as the co-founder of You Are Worthy Ministries.

Wife, mother of five, and co-founder and director of You Are Worthy Ministries, Vicki’s journey includes the heartbreak of divorce, the struggles of single motherhood, the joy of remarriage, and the assurance of living in a real, daily relationship with God. She has served as a missionary in Costa Rica, as a short-term mission trip leader to more than 30 countries, a youth leader for her church, is a singer/songwriter and an ordained minister. She is filled with compassion for those struggling to see themselves as Jesus sees them, and gently invites them into the journey of discovery and acceptance of their true identity.

The Gift: You Don’t Have To Figure It All Out

Sneak Peek: The Gift: You Don't Have To Figure It All Out cover comp

Sneak Peek: The Gift: You Don’t Have To Figure It All Out cover comp

In Motion Ministries founder, Norma Dunn (also a True Potential/Milestones author) says in the Foreword: Those of us who are privileged to be in Vicki’s life have seen her live out that of which she speaks.  I testify that she is qualified to offer you the guidance that she has written in this book.  She currently leads many teams on mission trips throughout the world for In Motion Ministries.  We hear many reports about the impact that she has had on the lives of these team members.  She leads with genuine love and genuine life experiences that have taken her through the principles that she shares with you in this book”

You’re invited on a journey …

(from the introduction)

Her calendar is so full. She has projects due at work. She gets a message from a friend to meet at a coffee shop for some “catch up” time. There’s that thing on the back burner that she really needs to have time to process with her husband… appointments to keep, church responsibilities, chores to do at home… she has a sister going through a difficult time… she has a dream to go and do and be…

She needs a few moments to just think. To pray. To feel. But if she begins to feel, what will happen? Maybe she’s not measuring up to all the expectations. There’s a lot of pressure – what if she stops for a moment and someone discovers that she’s barely hanging on? That she wants to be the perfect wife, mother, colleague, intimately walking with Jesus, and getting through each day winning — but that feels just beyond her reach?

Do you know this woman? Is she familiar?

There’s a place deep inside each of us that wants to be loved. Really loved. Accepted. Understood. I’d like to invite you on a journey – let’s discover who you are in the eyes of the Lover of your soul. The One who knows you inside and out, and celebrates you.

Are you a ministry or business professional with a message to share with the world? We’d love to hear your story.

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