Engage Your Reader Via Websites

Engage Your Reader Via Websites

Last week I gave you an assignment – identify your reader (singular). How did it go? Did you have any trouble narrowing your audience down to one? Folks in the marketing biz call this one perfect reader an ‘avatar’ (not the movie kind) because this one ‘avatar’...
How to reach your digital audience

How to reach your digital audience

How do I find my book’s potential audience and how do I reach them? Remember last week we talked about how technology has changed the publishing world. The publishers, distributors and bookstores aren’t in control anymore. The consumer (your reader) determines which...
Your Reader is in Control

Your Reader is in Control

Last week we talked about how technology has allowed (really forced) two fundamental shifts book industry landscape: 1) Technology has allowed the content creator (the author) direct access to the content consumer (the reader) and vice versa. 2) Technology has changed...