Testimonies Told


The Great Commission

by Stacy Cope

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We are only here for just a vapor of a moment, so how much more important is the need for us believers in Jesus Christ to share and tell our testimonies?

“…whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” (James 4:14, NKJV)

Our personal testimonies of what God has done for us are like fireworks to me. Sharing our testimonies in this dark world gives much glory to our God and King. Our testimonies can also bring much light to the unbeliever. You see, we are here for just a moment, and we never know when our moment is over. It’s just like fireworks. Have you ever stood waiting for a fireworks display and then hoped there were more once the display was over? So you stood there thinking, is this it? Is it over? In life and death, it’s clear when it is over, so we must share our testimonies with our family, friends, and neighbors. We must share them with this dark world while breath still fills our lungs because, in a moment, we may not be here any longer.

So my vision and commission for you as the reader of this book is to encourage you to go and share your testimonies of what God has done for you! In some of these chapters, you will see much pain and many struggles I have gone through in this short time of life that I’ve lived. But to God be the Glory! He has seen me and helped me through, and I know He will do the same for you! I’ve heard many say that without the test, you can’t have a testimony, so don’t be afraid of the test. Be a believer in God and allow Him to use you to be a wonderful display for all the world to see of His mercy and grace.

So be an overcomer and go and share your Testimonies.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.4 in

Ebook, Print Paperback


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