
Determine Your Audience

How To Write a Book in 30 Days   6. Determine Your Audience Who is my reader? This is the most important and most unasked question that presents itself to any author. Have you really considered who is going to be reading your book once you’ve finished it? When...

Create Chapters

How To Write a Book in 30 Days   5. Create Chapters Let’s Review: The first step we took on this journey was to simply ‘begin writing’ – to develop the habit of writing on a regular schedule. In the end, writers write; if you’re not writing regularly,...

Create an Outline

How To Write a Book in 30 Days   4. Create an Outline Thinking Linear Now that you’ve got your Sticky notes or index cards arranged in a logical progression, like stepping stones leading down the path you want to take the reader, it’s time to put those ‘stepping...

Gather Ideas

How To Write a Book in 30 Days   2. Gather Ideas You’ve begun to write on a regular schedule; that’s awesome! But you’ve got so many ideas, so many things you want to include in your book.  How can you corral all those ideas into some manageable sequence that...

Legacy and Artifacts

Legacy – “something of value left by one who has come before.” *Last week I was invited to a chapel service at Holmes Bible College by my friend and author Chris Maxwell. It was a good service. Chris is an engaging speaker and the students led worship and other...

Begin the Writing Habit

How To Write a Book in 30 Days   Module 1. Begin the Writing Habit Step One: simply begin to write. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or even having your ideas in order; just write. The physical and mental act of writing will begin to let your ideas flow to...